We’ve tested flooring for the dynamic coefficient of friction (DCOF) and slip resistance all over North America and beyond for well over 1,000 individual clients so far as America’s leading independent third-party certified floor friction test lab. We don’t lie in court for slip and fall lawyers (like those who mainly use the Brungraber Mark IIIB, which has no ASTM standard, and no standard in any other country on earth as well), and the English XL tribometer (which has a withdrawn ASTM standard, and no standard in any other country on earth), and we don’t help major American tile manufacturers and floor polishers sell slippery tile and stone to unsuspecting consumers (which is what ANSI A326.3 was designed to do).
We just test floors for slip resistance to get architects, building owners, flooring designers and flooring manufacturers the truth based on internationally-accepted, peer-reviewed science so they can avoid costly slip and fall accidents on properties, and allow people to make informed decisions so they can avoid installing a slippery floor problem. The pendulum DCOF slip resistance test device (or tribometer) has been in use for over 50 years and has a published, peer-reviewed test method in well over 50 nations all over the planet.It’s easily the world’s most researched and widely-accepted way of measuring floor slip potential.
Here’s some photos of us doing floor slip resistance testing around North America and beyond:
Floor DCOF testing with the pendulum test ASTM E303-22 in Waikiki, HawaiiPendulum Floor Slip Resistance Testing on an outdoor playground in Washington DCTesting Floor Slip Resistance for the State of Washington at their Seattle/Tacoma airportFloor Friction Testing in Las Vegas, Nevada. They love polished floors in this town, and we’ve tested several of them. We’ve tested plenty of pool decks here, tooPendulum floor slip resistance testing in Boston – train station, private school pool deck, hotel lobby stairs, etc.Testing with the pendulum DCOF tester on a pool deck in a multi-million dollar home in Beverly Hills, CA. This pool deck was later featured on an episode of the show Modern FamilyTesting DCOF with the pendulum slip tester in an automobile manufacturing facility under construction for a major American automobile manufacturer in Chihuahua, MexicoTesting the Floor Slip Resistance of a Splash Pad and Water park using the pendulum Slip Resistance Test in Kansas City, KSLAX is building a new train station to bring people into the airport from train stations all over Los Angeles, and from the new rental car building. LA Metro now requires ASTM E303-22 pendulumslip resistance testing on all floor projects. No other test method is acceptable for them. Sorry BOT-3000E, but you’re not science, and you don’t help stop slips.Strolling along the streets of New York City on my way to do some pendulum floor friction testing for a major cell phone and computer manufacturerTesting a “Cool Pavement Coating” for the City of Phoenix, AZ using the ASTM E303 pendulum DCOF testASTM E303-22 Floor Slip Tests on slippery epoxy floors inside fire stations in Philadelphia and Delaware – firefighters need anti-slip floors!Testing floor DCOF using ASTM E303-22 and the pendulum tester for one of the several major car manufacturers in the state of Indiana. When you need the truth, you don’t need a “liar for hire” with an English XL or a Brungraber Mark IIIB. They specialize in lying for lawyers. You need the pendulum DCOF tester if you want to truly assess the slip potential of floors using 50 years of international science and research.This Splash Pad in Buena Park, CA far exceeded the NSF 50 guidelines (also known as NSF/ANSI/CAN 50) for slip resistance, which sates you must have a minimum pendulum test value of 40 using the softer barefoot rubberTesting a Pool Deck for Slip Resistance after the application of SparkleTuff Anti-Slip Floor Coating in San Francisco for the University of CaliforniaTesting the Slip Resistance of Jet Bridges in an international airport that has been having slips when these areas get wetTesting floor friction to find the slip resistance of stairs, big box store restrooms, and pool decks on cruise ships all over FloridaTesting floor slip resistance with the BOT-3000e for one of the “big box stores” in Phoenix, AZ. The BOT-3000e, however, shouldn’t be relied upon for getting reliable slip resistance test data on most polished floors, especially polished concreteTesting stairs with the pendulum tester for a United States Naval Hospital (in the early days of covid-19 when N95 masks were in short supply). We’ve also tested for the U.S. Space ForceTesting a new parking structure with the pendulum tester at LAX International AirportTesting flooring for slip resistance with the pendulum tester in a mayonnaise factory near Chicago, IL. The look on my face here is because I abhor mayonnaise, and was forced to spend the day surrounded by itTesting Floor Friction on bricks of various ages and textures for the City of San Francisco down Market StreetTesting the floor Dynamic Coefficient of Friction (DCOF) of polished concrete in a manufacturing facility in Lennox, South DakotaASTM E303-22 road slip resistance testing for the City of Austin, Texas. We test at night when he summer temperatures are manageable to get more accurate results.Testing pool deck DCOF with the pendulum tester in Naples, Florida after someone with an ASM 825 was getting readings that made no sense at all. SCOF testing does NOT work!Floor DCOF Testing in a Parking Garage under construction somewhere in the Midwest of the USA many years agoOn the way to test a basketball court for slip resistance using ASTM F2772-11 with the pendulum tester on Bainbridge Island in the Seattle, Washington areaDCOF Floor Slip Resistance Testing using the Pendulum Tester and ASTM E303-22 in Sioux City, Iowa
Need your floors tested for slip resistance using reliable, peer-reviewed and internationally-accepted test methods by America’s experts in floor friction testing? Email us to get a quote for field slip resistance testing at your location, or peruse our lab floor slip testing methods.