SlipAlert Slip Resistance Tester
The SlipAlert Digital Tribometer (now known as the iAlert Slip Meter) can quickly and easily measure the slip resistance of a floor in the field so that property owners, safety managers and maintenance crews can monitor the slip resistance of their flooring in situ. It has a published British standard, it is endorsed in the 2024 version of the United Kingdom’s Slip Resistance Group’s “The Assessment of Floor Slip Resistance“, and is mentioned in the latest European standard BS EN 16165:2021, and it’s incredibly easy to use. It comes with two rubber sliders that mimic shoe soles (softer rubber sliders can also be ordered to mimic bare feet), a rechargeable lithium ion battery, the ramp, the chart to interpret results, and everything else needed to measure the slip resistance of your floors reliably without any special training. It has been shown to have excellent correlation with pendulum dynamic coefficient of friction (DCOF) floor slip resistance tester results, which is easily the most widely-used and reliable floor slip resistance test device in the world today.
$2,380.00 delivered to you in continental USA
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The SlipAlert was originally invented and perfected by Dr. Malcolm Bailey of the United Kingdom. In his incredibly handy guide published in 2024, Understanding Pedestrian Slipping, he spells out why the pendulum and the SlipAlert/iAlert are the only two reliable ways of assessing pedestrian slip resistance in the real world. Numerous studies (see Dr. Bailey’s guide for some of them) unequivocally back this up.
The German ramp test (DIN 51130) uses work boots and oil on a ramp where the “walker” is not taking normal steps, so this test doesn’t mimic pedestrians walking in the rain or on wet lobby floors, and all of the American slip resistance test devices and test methods were created with ulterior motives other than truth, science and safety. They were created to help sell slippery tile or win slip and fall lawsuits with bogus data not based on real-world slip and fall research.
iAlert helps property owners monitor their actual slip risk using decades of research with the pendulum and iAlert to help avoid costly and time-consuming slip and fall injuries and lawsuits on their property. The SlipAlert/iAlert does not require annual calibration and is incredibly easy to maintain and operate.
Reviews by Government Agencies
The United Kingdom’s Endorsement of SlipAlert
The British government’s Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is the agency responsible for enforcement of health and safety regulations in the United Kingdom. Their mission is to protect people’s health and safety by ensuring risks in the changing workplace are properly controlled. It’s the United Kingdom’s version of OSHA.
The HSE review of SlipAlert appears in Contemporary Ergonomics 2005, published for the Ergonomics Society by Taylor and Francis. The paper is, “Roller Coaster Slip Tests Putting Slip Testing Back on the Rails!” by Hallas, Shaw, Lemon & Thorpe. They tested SlipAlert on 22 types of flooring, including terrazzo, VCT, parquet, linoleum, ceramic and quarry tile, wood, concrete, natural stone, and mosaic. Their comments:
“…a quick slipperiness test that actually works. In terms of operation, SlipAlert is very simple and user friendly.”
British Standards then made the SlipAlert test part of BS 8204 to measure floor friction for in-situ floors.
Here’s a couple other videos of the SlipAlert Digital Tribometer in action:
Australia’s Endorsement of SlipAlert
The Australian government’s CSIRO is Australia’s national science agency and one of the largest and most diverse scientific research organizations in the world, with more than 75 years of excellence in scientific research. They tested 30 surfaces with SlipAlert. From “Slip resistance, Maintenance and Social Responsibility,” published in Tile Today by Richard Bowman of CSIRO’s construction division:
“A valuable new tool”
“The SlipAlert is a new, simple, inexpensive, easily portable machine, which virtually anybody can use to immediately obtain an assessment of the slip characteristics of a floor surface. It is based on the pendulum principle. The pendulum imparts a consistent potential energy to the test surface (by raising its arm to a horizontal position) where the height of the pendulum is adjusted to obtain a consistent test length. The SlipAlert ‘cart’ is raised up a ramp to obtain a consistent proportional amount of energy. Both devices have a rubber test foot mounted at a slight angle to the ground.”
“The SlipAlert website ( provides comparative test results for ten surfaces that suggest that the results are in reasonable agreement with those of the Pendulum. CSIRO has found similar agreement when assessing the comparative wet slip resistance performance on some ten hard and twenty resilient surfaces, covering a wide range of surface textures.”
“Given that the SlipAlert is so quick and simple to use, it is anticipated that it will rapidly become the accepted tool for property managers to monitor cleaning performance between independent slip resistance audits, which might be carried out less frequently. Once a SlipAlert device is kept on site, there is the additional advantage of having it on hand should an accident occur, since measurements can be made immediately.”
“While the SlipAlert might mainly be seen as a means of rapidly assessing in situ slip resistance, it can also be used to determine the difference between wet and dry readings (as can the pendulum, which is used in the UK for wet and dry measurements). A small difference in results indicates there is relatively little hazardous risk if the product becomes wet. If there is a large difference, it suggests that there is a high accidental risk if a pedestrian fails to observe the wet area. A slip does not ensue from the foot utilising the traction that is available from a familiar floor; it results from the uncontrolled acceleration imparted by unknown floor conditions.”
SlipAlert is now produced with the name iAlert. Buy your own SlipAlert/iAlert Now – $2,380.00 delivered to you in continental USA
Need some floor slip resistance testing done on your flooring?