CoatingsPro article: How to Specify a Slip-Resistant Floor Coating

An article in the March 2020 edition of CoatingsPro™ Magazine details how to specify an anti-slip floor coating, specifically a transparent one. (A printable version of the article is also available.) After establishing a reliable method to determine wet slip resistance, the article discusses initial slip resistance safety criteria; durability testing of the coating’s slip … Continue reading “CoatingsPro article: How to Specify a Slip-Resistant Floor Coating”

Slippery Tub Solution

Do you have a slippery tub or shower? Chances are you do! Historically, outdated and unreliable slip resistance test methods were used to determine the slipperiness of tubs in the United States, leading to virtually every tub sold being treacherous to use while wet. Slips and falls in tubs and showers often lead to horrible … Continue reading “Slippery Tub Solution”

Anti-Slip Transparent Coating Lets Hotels Eliminate Tub/Shower Mats

Most hotels and motels with slippery bathtub and shower floors have been using suction cup mats to give bathers safer footing, albeit only on a small part of the slippery surface. These mats need to be laundered daily or they will harbor bacteria, foot fungus and mold. Because of the laundering the mats deteriorate quickly … Continue reading “Anti-Slip Transparent Coating Lets Hotels Eliminate Tub/Shower Mats”