Minimum wet slip resistance values (as wet Pendulum Test Values) for safety in many publicly accessible areas are listed elsewhere on this blog. But what about industrial areas used for very slippery operations like meat or fish processing, making mayonnaise or refining cooking oils, and for aircraft repair hangars? Guidance for these, recommended since 1999, … Continue reading “Slip Resistance Safety for Industrial and Commercial Areas”
Tag: anti-slip abrasive coating
Roughness and Wet Floor Slip Resistance
We all know intuitively that roughness has a lot to do with floor slip resistance. Very smooth floors tend to have low wet slip resistance, and to some types of shoe solings (as on some dancing shoes) can have low dry slip resistance too. However, “rough” appearing floors aren’t always slip-resistant, and this has to … Continue reading “Roughness and Wet Floor Slip Resistance”
ANSI Issuing Another Standard Slip Test Method for Flooring Materials
The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is issuing a new test method, with minimum dynamic coefficient of friction (DCOF rating), for slip resistance of hard flooring materials, wet or dry, laboratory or field testing. No minimum DCOF is provided for exterior applications. The BOT-3000E digital tribometer is used for the testing. The Secretariat for the … Continue reading “ANSI Issuing Another Standard Slip Test Method for Flooring Materials”
John Glenn’s career-changing slip and fall
The world mourns the loss of pioneering astronaut and former U.S. senator John H. Glenn Jr., who in 1959 became one of America’s first astronauts, one of the “Mercury Seven,” and was the first American to orbit the Earth. Less remembered is the slip-and-fall accident that was a major factor in his early political career, … Continue reading “John Glenn’s career-changing slip and fall”
Slippery Tub Solution
Do you have a slippery tub or shower? Chances are you do! Historically, outdated and unreliable slip resistance test methods were used to determine the slipperiness of tubs in the United States, leading to virtually every tub sold being treacherous to use while wet. Slips and falls in tubs and showers often lead to horrible … Continue reading “Slippery Tub Solution”
Do All Pedestrian Ramps Need the Same Coefficient of Friction?
The minimum safety standard for coefficient of friction for a pedestrian ramp should depend on the angle of the ramp and the weight of the separate load (shopping cart, wheelchair, gurney, etc.), if any, the pedestrian is controlling. However, that’s not how American safety standards are written. In the USA, traditionally safety standards for slip … Continue reading “Do All Pedestrian Ramps Need the Same Coefficient of Friction?”
Variables that Affect Slip Resistance of Polished Concrete
At the 6th Annual International Concrete Polishing & Staining Conference in Atlanta in September 2013, a panel discussion was organized and chaired by Ken Fisher of Nu-Safe. On the panel were the manufacturer of the BOT-3000E tribometer (floor slip resistance test meter); an Orlando attorney for large international property owners; and slip and fall prevention … Continue reading “Variables that Affect Slip Resistance of Polished Concrete”