In many commercial situations (restaurants, outdoor malls, lobbies, restrooms, etc.) it’s necessary not only that the flooring be slip-resistant when wet, but that it remain slip-resistant for years under high foot traffic. This is known as Sustainable Slip Resistance (SSR). McDonalds Restaurant chain discovered that when they installed slip-resistant flooring in the customer areas of … Continue reading “Specify Sustainable Slip Resistance for High-Traffic Flooring”
Testing Anti-Slip Floor Tapes, Treatments and Coatings
Slip and fall accidents are a huge concern in America as the average age of the population is on the rise. Broken hips for the elderly often lead to long hospital stays and premature deaths. Slip and fall accidents also account for the greatest number of lost work days for American employees in the workplace. … Continue reading “Testing Anti-Slip Floor Tapes, Treatments and Coatings”
Test Feet for Slip Resistance Testing
Safety Direct America can use six different test foot (slider) materials for floor slip resistance testing in different situations with the BOT-3000 digital tribometer. (1) A Neolite slider is specified for ANSI B101.1, wet static coefficient of friction.This test should not be done in the wet condition to assess safety. (2) Leather, used for dry … Continue reading “Test Feet for Slip Resistance Testing”
Slip Resistance Tested Anti-Slip Floor and Tub Tapes
Testing has shown that when a person’s heel slips more than three inches, the person is 50% likely to fall. To be safe, you should be sure that people on your property do not slip more than one and a half inches on your flooring, especially in dangerous areas such as stairs. Perhaps the cheapest … Continue reading “Slip Resistance Tested Anti-Slip Floor and Tub Tapes”
Anti-Slip Abrasive Floor Coatings You Apply
Sophisticated chemical treatments that increase wet floor slip resistance without changing appearance need to be applied by an expert using expensive ($6000) instruments for testing the slip resistance. Chemical strength and treatment time are varied to get the optimum benefit for a given floor with little or no effect on appearance. For a small area … Continue reading “Anti-Slip Abrasive Floor Coatings You Apply”
Slip Resistance Test — BOT-3000
In 2012 the American National Standards Institute published American National Standard B101.3, “Test Method for Measuring Wet DCOF of Common Hard-Surface Floor Materials (Including Action and Limit Thresholds for the Suitable Assessment of the Measured Values).” This finally gave the U.S. an American-made useable dynamic friction test and safety standards for wet slip resistance of … Continue reading “Slip Resistance Test — BOT-3000”
Slip Resistance Testing
A couple of months ago, we published a page on the latest slip resistance test standards on our website. This was because we often have our phone ring with people who are having problems with their slippery floor and they would like to have it tested. However, they either don’t know which test is best … Continue reading “Slip Resistance Testing”
Floor Slip Resistance Test Experts = who we are
Who we are: we have been testing floors and flooring for over 15 years and are a certified floor slip resistance testing laboratory for the City of Los Angeles, as well as licensed Professional Engineers. Hardly a large cruise ship in the world gets built without consulting us as we are consultants to the two … Continue reading “Floor Slip Resistance Test Experts = who we are”