Tools Essential to Slip Resistance Testing


At Safety Direct America, not only do we specialize in expert floor and tile slip resistance testing both in the lab and in the field, we also offer the finest collection of slip test instruments to help you determine and monitor your slip risk effectively.  National standards-setting organizations including ASTM, ANSI, BSI, ISO, and others all across the world use a specialized set of reliable, peer-reviewed tools to determine the safety of workplace walkways. Here are just a few of the tools we have at our disposal when we perform floor slip resistance testing. We can also sell you any of these slip resistance test devices.

Pendulum Slip Resistance Tester

The most accepted pedestrian slip resistance test method worldwide, the British pendulum slip resistance tester was validated in 1971 by 3500 test results on walking surfaces obtained from over 25 years of testing. In conjunction with Australian Standards HB198, the British pendulum is used to test the PTV (or Pendulum Test Value), and recommendations are given for more than 27 specific situations, ranging from 12 (completely dry) to 55 (swimming pool ramps and stairs leading to water). Several advantages of the pendulum slip resistance tester include its long history of international acceptance (even in courts), its thorough validation over 50 years, and continuous use since the 70s. Safety Direct America can fully calibrate the pendulum for your use as well.

SlipAlert Tribometer (now known as iAlert Tribometer)

The SlipAlert tribometer, now known as the iAlert Tribometer, has been shown to have strong correlation with pendulum slip resistance tester, making it the best floor slip resistance test instrument for monitoring floor slip resistance on site with virtually no training needed to run the device and interpret the results. This easy to run tribometer has an English test method and has been in use for many years now in many countries. Reliable and easy to use.

Tortus 3

Developed by Wessex Engineering, the Tortus 3 is a slip resistance testing machine capable of assessing floor safety, evaluating floor cleaning materials, investigating accidents, and gathering friction evidence for litigation purposes. It follows standards established by the ISO (ISO 10547-17) as well as Australian and New Zealand Standards (AS/NZS 4663 2004). The measurements can be printed directly from the device with a timestamp or downloaded as digital data files onto a USB drive for analysis.

Need to make your workplace a safer place? Rely on the professionals at Safety Direct America for world-class slip resistance testing. Give us a call as 1-800-988-6721.