If you specify or buy flooring based on a minimum wet dynamic coefficient of friction of 0.42, you may be vulnerable to charges of negligence if a slipping injury occurs on that floor. Here we tell you why, and how to avoid the situation. American National Standards Institute (ANSI) issued its standard A137.1, “Specifications for … Continue reading “Does ANSI Tile Spec A137.1 help protect you from liability for slipping accidents?”
Tag: retirement home
Improving the World’s Most Sophisticated Floor Slip-Resistance Safety Standards
In June’s post we discussed situation-specific slip resistance safety standards, which reflect the use or function of a floor and the friction (coefficient of friction) demands placed on it. Many U.S. floor friction standards are “one size fits all” — for instance, a wet dynamic coefficient of friction (DCOF) of 0.43 is considered adequate for … Continue reading “Improving the World’s Most Sophisticated Floor Slip-Resistance Safety Standards”