Here’s a countdown of some of the most simple and cost-effective ways of stopping slip and fall accidents. 10. Post warnings when and where appropriate. 9. Use solings appropriate to the situation. 8. Chemically etch or grind concrete if it’s too smooth. 7. Make sure stairs comply with your local building code, and that nosings … Continue reading “Top 10 Ways of Preventing Slips”
Tag: nursing home
Does ANSI Tile Spec A137.1 help protect you from liability for slipping accidents?
If you specify or buy flooring based on a minimum wet dynamic coefficient of friction of 0.42, you may be vulnerable to charges of negligence if a slipping injury occurs on that floor. Here we tell you why, and how to avoid the situation. American National Standards Institute (ANSI) issued its standard A137.1, “Specifications for … Continue reading “Does ANSI Tile Spec A137.1 help protect you from liability for slipping accidents?”
Improving the World’s Most Sophisticated Floor Slip-Resistance Safety Standards
In June’s post we discussed situation-specific slip resistance safety standards, which reflect the use or function of a floor and the friction (coefficient of friction) demands placed on it. Many U.S. floor friction standards are “one size fits all” — for instance, a wet dynamic coefficient of friction (DCOF) of 0.43 is considered adequate for … Continue reading “Improving the World’s Most Sophisticated Floor Slip-Resistance Safety Standards”
Anti-Slip Transparent Coating Lets Hotels Eliminate Tub/Shower Mats
Most hotels and motels with slippery bathtub and shower floors have been using suction cup mats to give bathers safer footing, albeit only on a small part of the slippery surface. These mats need to be laundered daily or they will harbor bacteria, foot fungus and mold. Because of the laundering the mats deteriorate quickly … Continue reading “Anti-Slip Transparent Coating Lets Hotels Eliminate Tub/Shower Mats”